Rabies Day Out

Rabies Day Out

Season 1 How does the Google no internet Dinosaur Game connect to Rabies? Haunt over the Raven by Edgar Allen Poe, classic Universal monster movies, psychological thriller and horror by Hitchcock, Kubrick, and Stephen King – including Cujo, and rabies and post...
A Boy Named Flu

A Boy Named Flu

Podcast What do kindergarten arts and crafts have to do with influenza and the flu? Take a trip down memory lane with grade school activities, remembering Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492, the transfer of infectious disease with European colonization of the...
There’s Something About Typhoid Mary

There’s Something About Typhoid Mary

Podcast How do hamburgers connect to typhoid fever? Follow as we discuss turn-of-the 20th century meat industry, Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle, Theodore Roosevelt and creation of the FDA, Salmonella enterica typhii, typhoid fever, and Typhoid Mary. Theodore...
It’s On The Syphilis

It’s On The Syphilis

How do Hollywood summer blockbuster movies connect to sexually-transmitted syphilis? Take a journey from Jurassic Park and Contagion to Oscar Awards, Ignaz Semmelweis and handwashing, Treponema pallidum and syphilis, the No Nose Club, and the infamous Tuskegee...